Getting good grades feels quite satisfying. But you know what else does? Getting a salary. How about both? It’s more challenging, but definitely possible!

Though your daily schedule might get a bit tighter, the gains of working are often more than just financial. Even the simplest job can teach you something that might come in handy at some point of your life. What I’ve learnt from housekeeping, apart from the Dutch words for cleaning cloths and detergents, is working in a team and having an eye for detail. I guess you can call it personal development.


Working can also teach you to manage your time better. Of course, the guilty pleasure of procrastination is unavoidable, but your time becomes more limited and precious, so you get this inner urge to use it wisely.

What jobs?
Don’t get your hopes too high about finding the "dream job" during your studies. If you don’t speak Dutch the choice is a bit narrower and the job will most likely be physical. Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, you keep fit AND get paid! The most common jobs you will find in Vlissingen that do not require good (or any, for that matter) Dutch are dishwasher, cleaner, housekeeper and anything of that sort. If you’re lucky you might get to be a bartender or a waiter. It really depends on how flexible the employer is. Whatever the job though, it’s always useful to learn a couple of phrases in Dutch – you never know when you might need to make a good impression.

How do they pay?
Since you’ll be working part-time, you’ll get paid per hour. Here’s something weird – the amount of money you get per hour depends on your age: the closer you are to 23, the more you earn. It’s a little unfair for the younger ones, because it’s really the same work you do as the older employees. But hey, that’s another reason to look forward to your birthday! And after you turn 23? From then on the pay remains the same. Also, each place has a different wage system, so how much exactly you’ll get is something you need to ask when they invite you for a job interview.

Dutch insurance
One thing you need to take care of when you start working is having a Dutch insurance. You can arrange it once you’ve settled the contract with the employer. Ask if they work with a particular insurance company or if they provide it for you. If not - you can go ahead and choose one yourself. The very basic insurance package costs around €80 per month. It is a lot indeed. Luckily, the Dutch Government offers an allowance for it, which means they return the amount that covers the basic package to you every month. The best part? They don’t expect you to give the money back when you graduate, as it’s a grant, not a loan.

“Winter is coming”
When it comes to the best time to start working – it’s up to you. Maybe you want to get used to university life first, to the assignment load, to pick up some Dutch, etc? Or maybe you just want to go for it? Both are just fine! However, what you should keep in mind when looking for a job in Vlissingen is its strong dependence on the tourist season.

During the cold months, finding a job is almost impossible, as employers have enough staff and very few clients. I learnt this the hard way – desperately scouring the city in November, offering my CV here and there. I got a lot of wishes for good luck and apologetic smiles. On the bright side though, as soon as the tourist season begins, around April that is, your chances of being hired rise along with the temperatures. My advice for those who REALLY NEED to work in order to be financially independent and cannot wait until then is: come to Vlissingen during the summer before starting university and look for a job while the season is at its peak, because the demand for employees will be high. The chances of you keeping the job throughout the year are better than those of finding one during winter.

Working at the HZ
That’s right! The HZ offers jobs, too. You can work in the catering of the university or help out at events that it hosts. The pay per hour is pretty high and the work, from what I've heard, is pleasant. Where’s the catch? Well, it's just not a regular job with a set schedule, which means you never know when you’ll get to work again. The way the system works is all about being fast - when the university needs people, emails are sent to everyone who has registered and the few quickest to answer get the shift. So, if you decide to give it a shot – don’t forget to check your email regularly.

Oh, and if you find a place where you'd really like to work - be persistent and follow up. Dutch employers like to play hard to get. Good luck!


Laatst aangepast op: 10-07-2024