Originally published November 29, 2016
When I looked up the HZ Water Management course I really wanted to apply, but I was nervous that my previous education hadn’t prepare me well enough. Now that I’m actually studying Water Management I feel like saying that there is no previous education that’s wrong for this study programme.

A Change in My Plans

Where I’m from (Italy) high schools are specialised in a particular subject (art, science, classical, languages, psychology, sport, for example). When you are 13 you’re asked to pick the field in which you want to study. But c’mon no one knows at the age of 13 who they want to be!

The young and unaware me of six years ago chose the high school focused on psychology. Little did I know that I would end up wanting to study in a totally different field.

At first I was terrified when I realised that I spent five years preparing to study Freud and Pavlov in university. But this knowledge would not be useful if I wanted to study Water Management! My initial thought was, “I’ll probably need to know biology and chemistry. I’ll fall behind from the very first day.

But I was really motivated and I didn’t let those negative thoughts decide for me.

No Need to Worry:

When the first week of actual lessons began it became clear to me that I would be just fine. The teachers knew that everyone came from a different background (one of my classmates, for example, studied four languages in high school, but not much science) and all classes started from the basics of the subject.

My first experience with a microscope

Of course I was aware that I couldn’t understand biology as fast as people who took this class before. But with a little bit of effort and work at home it was easy to keep up with the lectures.

In case you didn’t know, here at the HZ you’ll have lots of chances to discuss with teachers and classmates and you’ll learn that there is no better way to comprehend a concept than that.

During the first year you’ll be guided really well by teachers and study coaches and the initial approach to each subject starts from zero. No particular knowledge is required to begin with, although effort is required to keep up with subject matter. But it’s not impossible!

Making new friends during the introduction week

What I’m trying to say is that regardless your previous education, if you are really interested in the subjects and motivated you will be fine. :)

Looking for more information about the first year of Water Management at HZ? Read this blog post about our very first project.

Laatst aangepast op: 10-07-2024