Making a decision about which program to go for is not that easy, especially if you would like to study abroad. What kind of program suits me? What kind of country would I like to live in? Which program will help me build a career? Loads of questions came to my mind when I was about to make this decision. I was wondering which factors other students based their choice on, so I thought I'd go ahead and ask them why and how they chose the programs they are studying now.


Meet the interviewees: in this photo you see me, in the middle, no sun glasses; Ernesto is taking the photo; Javi is the one with blue/grey jacket and Parissa is sadly not on this photo.

Decision based on recommendation from a friend
First I talked to Ernesto Peña. He studies International Business and Management Studies at HZ. His father worked in banking and therefore he was familiarized with a career in banking from a young age. By the time he had to decide what he wanted to do, he had already chosen a business career too. In his opinion the Netherlands is the best country to study if you're a foreign student - most people speak English and are friendly with internationals. "I chose IBMS at HZ, because it held up to my standards and a friend strongly recommended it to me. The program offers a lot of opportunities in order to develop my skills in professional practice and many trips to different companies are organised. In my opinion the best way to learn is by practicing. I'm glad my friend mentioned this university to me!"

Decision based on specific preferences
Then Javi Garrigues, who's studying International Business and Languages, told me about his decision-making process. He had specific preferences for languages and was looking for a study which met those. His words were: "I have always been interested in languages and I looked for a program to improve my language skills and learn new languages. The program HZ offers looked very good to me. It was also a great opportunity to learn the Dutch language and improve my French and English. Additionally, the course offers a lot of teamwork and workshops, which I believe is a good way to learn. Besides that, I think life in Vlissingen is good and comfortable, the city has a lot of charm and is also very peaceful to live in."

Decision based on possibilities the program offers
The next student I talked with was Parissa Amirian. She studies Tourism Management at HZ. Parissa thinks life is all about what you experience and how it shapes you. She has lived in completely different places and decided that the best and most intense way to find out more about the world was to study something one can practice anywhere. The program Tourism Management offers her the possibilties to go abroad to many places. "Apart from going abroad during the program, I live in Vlissingen. Living in such a small town turned out it to be exactly as I imagined it - fun, nature and getting to know everyone around you. "

On what factors should you base your decision-making process? Or haven't you figured out yet what is most important to you? If you are still deciding and you could use some help, contact a study advisor. You can ask all your questions and the study advisor will help you as much as possible.

Good luck!


Laatst aangepast op: 10-07-2024