HZ University of Applied Sciences has a Food Community. Researchers and lecturers are creating a vision in which they explain how they want to work (together) on the food transition. The vision will be put into practice inside and outside the walls of the university through broad, sustainable activities around the theme. As a result, the HZ Food Community comes to life.

Within the HZ, the research groups Marine Biobased Chemistry and Aquaculture in Delta Areas and Knowledge Center Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the programmes GPCM, Chemistry and Food, Business and Innovation are involved. In cooperation with other courses, research groups and players such as HZ Green Office, they want to ensure that the theme of food is implemented sustainably within HZ.

More sustainable food pattern

A sustainable vision around food fits with the HZ Institution plan 'Contribute to a better world'.

On average, 21 percent of a person's CO2 footprint consists of daily food and drink. Choosing a more sustainable food pattern, looking at the entire food chain, and making smart, conscious choices is something HZ can also change.

By cooperating with small and medium-sized businesses in the region and organizing broad activities, the HZ's vision around food should also become externally visible.

Research groups

Aquaculture in Delta Areas

View research group

HZ Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

View research group

Marine Biobased Chemistry

View research group

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