Discover our HZ-locations in Middelburg, Vlissingen and Roosendaal. Below you will find pictures of the locations, opening times and contact information.

Edisonweg, Vlissingen
The Edisonweg site in Vlissingen consists of the main building, the HZ Tower and the PSD building. At this location, you can find all study programmes in the fields of Economics & Management as well as Social Studies. The international programmes that are offered here are International Business, Logistics Engineering and Tourism Management.
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Het Groene Woud, Middelburg
At the Groene Woud campus you can find a number of technical study programmes: Chemistry, Global Project and Change Management, Information & Communication Technology, Industrial Engineering & Management, Water Management and Civil Engineering. The Joint Research Center Zeeland is also built at this location.
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Joint Research Center Zeeland
The Joint Research Centre Zeeland (JRCZ) in the Zeeland capital Middelburg is a unique research institute. Here, students, researchers, companies and the government work together to find solutions to urgent, social issues in the South West Delta.
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