When you are looking for accommodation in Zeeland, there are possibilities to find a good and affordable room in Vlissingen or Middelburg. Most student houses are near the city centres and within cycling distance of HZ. In Vlissingen you are also close to the Boulevard and beach when you want to get a breath of fresh air.

Find your room easily

HZ has partnered the housing company ''APV'', to make it easier for students to find a place to live in. Once you have registered at HZ, you can start booking a room. You need to make a reservation for accommodation yourself.

Book in time!

Finding a room in Zeeland might not be that big of a struggle, but you need to make sure you book it in time: preferably in the early spring and not later than the 1st May, so you have the best chances to book the room that suits your wishes.

APV has hundreds of rooms and studios in Vlissingen, spread among the student ''Campus De Ruyter'' and private apartments.

Their database varies from low to high rental class, from small to large rooms and from unfurnished to furnished. APV Housing closely works with (local) businesses, city councils, housing corporations, HZ University of Applied Sciences and residents. They have a communal focus to ensure and optimise the stay in accommodation to a professional, safe and pleasurable experience.

You can let APV know your preferences and wishes regarding accommodation. Prices start from €250,- per month all in and increase depending on the size of the room and required comfort.

Online registration

APV uses a 'first come, first serve' principle. Therefore, it is wise to register online as soon as possible.

APV has various living spaces in Middelburg as well and they are still constructing new ones. Check the ''Campus Greenwood'', within 2-minutes of walking distance from the HZ!

Online registration

Here you can register for free.

FAQ's about housing

My study programme is located in Vlissingen. Am I allowed to look for a room in Middelburg? Or vice versa?
Yes, you decide where you want to live.

Is there a minimum rental period?
That depends on the housing company, so make sure that you are well-informed.

I am an exchange student or a Master’s student. Can I find a room for only one semester?
Yes, that is possible.

Can I look for housing with a male or female friend?
You can share your wishes with the housing company, they will help you the best they can.

Is there a waiting list?
Rooms are rented on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please register on time! Middelburg has less rooms available than Vlissingen, so make sure that you book in time.

Can I get priority for a room?
Our partners do what they can to take all the various wishes into consideration. They might give priority to new international students or students that have to travel from outside the province of Zeeland.

Is it possible to rent privately?
Yes, that is possible. You will have to arrange this yourself. You will find the available housing online or on posters in the HZ-building.

How can I find a room in Vlissingen?
APV Housing will be able to help you. The distance between Vlissingen and Middelburg is small (5 km), so please consider both cities.

What type of rooms are there in Vlissingen?
Accommodation varies from rooms in student houses to studios and apartments ranging in size from small to large, furnished or unfurnished, single units (where you live by yourself) or apartments that you share with others.

Is there a campus?
Yes. Campus de Ruyter is mainly suitable for international and national nursing students. The Campus Adriaan de Coortelaan houses national and international students. Both are rented out through housing agent - APV Housing.

What is the travel time between the campus in Vlissingen and the HZ in Vlissingen?
The approximate travel time is:
25 minutes on foot
10 minutes by bike
7 minutes by car
16 minutes by bus

What is the travel time between the campus in Vlissingen and the HZ in Middelburg?
The approximate travel time is:
25 minutes by bike
12 minutes by car
26 minutes by bus

What is the average price of a room in Vlissingen?
Room prices range from €300 to €700 all-in.

Are there any rooms available in the city centre?
Most rooms are located in the city centre or near the city centre.

Which study programmes are located in Middelburg?
International study programmes: Engineering, Chemistry, Information and Communication Technology, Industrial Engineering & Management, Civil Engineering, Water Management, Global Project and Change Management, River Delta Management (master).

How can I find a room in Middelburg?
APV will be able to help you. The distance between Vlissingen and Middelburg is small, so please consider both cities.

What type of rooms are there in Middelburg?
Accommodation varies from rooms in student houses to studio apartments and apartments ranging in size from small to large, furnished or unfurnished, single units (where you live by yourself) or apartments that you share with others.

What is the average price of a room in Middelburg?
Room prices range from €220 to €600 (for a house).

Are there any rooms available in the city center?
Most rooms are located in the city center or near the city center.

Is there a minimum rental period?
That depends on the housing company, so make sure that you are well-informed.

Will I get help finding a room in all three cities?

Yes, the universities of applied sciences will support you. Either by offering accommodation themselves or by putting you in touch with parties who can provide it.

What kind of accommodation do they offer in Velp and Rotterdam?

You can find more information about their accommodations on their own website. Here is the information for Velp and for Rotterdam.

A student with her bike
Students hanging out together in their student room
Students sitting together at a table in their student room with Vlissingen in the background
Students sporting together at campus