The Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of Barbara Oomen (chairman) and Ab Smit (a member of the Executive Board). The Executive Board is the official authority of HZ. The Executive Board is supported by the administrative secretariat, headed by the administrative secretary.

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Board and Management team

HZ's Board and Management Team is made up of the Executive Board, the domain directors, the director of operations, the administrative secretary and policy support manager.

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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board oversees both the policies of the Executive Board and the general state of affairs at HZ. They also advise and assist the Executive Board

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Regulations, documents & annual reports

On this page you will find the main regulations and rules in force in the areas of good governance, education, participation, study and collaboration.

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Student and employee participation

Students and employees of HZ have a say through the Hogeschoolraad (University Council). This means that the University Council is an undivided council.

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Restaurant at the HZ Groene Woud location

Quality and accreditation

HZ is a government-funded institution, which allows it to award officially recognised diplomas and legally protected titles to graduates of its accredited courses. The HZ is assessed annually for quality by various organisations, including the Hbo Keuzegids.

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Contributing to a better world

Op welke manieren kunnen onze studenten en professionals bijdragen aan een betere samenleving in relatie tot bedrijven, instellingen, overheden en burgers? Dat is de vraag waar we aan willen werken. Lees er meer over in ons instellingsplan.
Read our institutional plan