After studying aquatic ecotechnology at HZ University of Applied Sciences, he completed a master's degree in Aquaculture at Ghent University. He then received his doctorate from Wageningen University. Title of his research was 'Biochemical composition, volatile organic compounds, sensory and consumer evaluation of Pacific cupped oysters during land-based refinement'. He investigated whether you can influence the taste and quality of land-based oysters through feed.
His areas of expertise are aquaculture, shellfish culture, seafood research, sensory research, consumer studies, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, feed and live feed, production systems and recirculation systems.
Since June 2021, Jasper has also been leading lecturer of the Applied Research Centre Technology Water Environment (ARC TWE). Under this ARC are the ten technical research groups of the HZ.

Alternative land-based shellfish cultivation
With this project, the Stichting Zeeschelp, Meromar Zeeland and HZ University of Applied Sciences…

The world over, reefs, built by bio builders such as corals and shellfish, provide important…

Flipfarm in Waterdunen
To date, oysters in the Netherlands are cultivated at the bottom of shallow waters (i.e. bottom…