Within CoastObs, a commercial service platform is being developed for user-relevant coastal water monitoring and environmental reporting based on earth observation.

The role of the Aquaculture in Delta Areas research group is to contribute to the development of a platform specifically aimed at aquaculture users in the mussel sector.

The research group is a partner in the EU Horizon 2020 project developing a commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring and environmental reporting based on earth observation. The role of the research group is to contribute to the development of a commercial service platform specifically aimed at aquaculture users in the mussel sector. The goal is to develop food quality maps and phytoplankton size classes based on satellite imagery. Based on this, a higher-level product will be developed to help mussel farmers make strategic management decisions to optimize farming practices.

Four case studies

The Dutch coast is one of four case study areas in this project, along with southern Brittany, the Adriatic coast and Galicia. Several other types of products are being developed by a total of eight project partners, for example mapping of seagrass and macroalgae, harmful algal species and primary production of phytoplankton, all based on remote sensing images. The CoastObs project runs until November 2020 and has been funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 program.

This project was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 program for research and innovation under grant agreement No. 776348.

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Aquaculture in Delta Areas

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