Related projects

Alternative land-based shellfish cultivation

With this project, the Stichting Zeeschelp, Meromar Zeeland and HZ University of Applied Sciences…


The world over, reefs, built by bio builders such as corals and shellfish, provide important…

Flipfarm in Waterdunen

To date, oysters in the Netherlands are cultivated at the bottom of shallow waters (i.e. bottom…

Improving yield and sustainability of oyster production

With the project 'Improving profitability and sustainability of oyster production through knowledge…

Weed and Wind

Global demand for seaweed is high and will continue to grow in the coming years. This offers a…


Within CoastObs, a commercial service platform is being developed for user-relevant coastal water…

VOLTA Farming Food at Sea

The cultivation of algae, seaweed and shellfish, called low-trophic aquaculture, can contribute to…

Finished projects aquaculture

HZ Food Community

HZ University of Applied Sciences has a Food Community. Researchers and lecturers are creating a…