Eva Hartog

Eva Hartog

Eva Hartog is the point of contact for the mussel and oyster sector in Zeeland as project leader and senior researcher of Aquaculture in Delta Areas. She has specialized in seafood research since she started as a researcher at the research group in 2013.

Among other things, she has conducted research on the oyster borer, more efficient trapping of oyster spawn and co-developed an app for mussel fishermen that gives them better insight into their culture. "HZ has established a good position as a knowledge institution in this field," says Eva, who is straightforward and prefers to have her feet in the clay doing research.
Eva studied Water Management at HZ. She then went to work at NIOZ in Yerseke where she was a Macrobenthos research assistant. After three years she started working at Imares in the same village. Here she already did a lot of fieldwork on fish and shellfish. Eva enjoys working with students, whom she wants to enthuse about aquaculture research. "Practical and applied research in this sector is enormously challenging and interesting."



Improving yield and sustainability of oyster production

With the project 'Improving profitability and sustainability of oyster production through knowledge…

Mussel hanging culture pilot project