Binge watching a series on Netflix, use WhatsApp or listening to Spotify? This is all possible thanks to IT!

Making developments possible

We live in a connected world in which physical objects are massively linked to the internet. Think of a security camera that sends a message to your smartphone when a person walks through your garden. Or AI (artificial intelligence), where a self-learning algorithm learns whether it is safe to cross a street. IT is the field that makes these developments possible and creates them.

Discover which direction suits you best: technical or business

IT often involves programming and system management. But it is so much more than that. Brainstorming about a good software solution for a customer, coming up with a cloud solution, building a new application, collecting and interpreting data to advise a company or tackling cyber security. The possibilities are endless. Whether you want to develop in the direction of the business side or the technical side. In the course of your studies we will help you to discover which direction suits you best and we teach you everything about the latest technologies and trends.

Working in multidisciplinary teams

In addition to developing your own skills, you will often work in multidisciplinary teams. We do this in an agile way. This means not working according to just one described perfect approach. It does mean meeting your customer demand and being able to solve his/her problem in a fast, flexible and creative way together with your team. In precisely the same way as when you join the job market. You not only consider your projects, but also your own development as a professional.

Would you like to work in one of the most innovative and leading sectors of this moment? And do you get a kick out of technology, innovation, creativity and would you like to invent, develop or program things? Then choose for Information and Communication Technology at HZ!

Open Day on 23 November

Find out more about Information and Communication Technology at the Open Day on Saturday 23 November!

Sign up here

This is Information and Communication Technology

The first two years of the programme are broad, so that in addition to a solid basic knowledge, you will discover which track suits you best. This will give you a good idea of what options the IT study programme offers you. We help you discover what you really like and what you are good at.

You are introduced to the world of IT. You will learn an important skill for solving problems in IT: programming. Just like the corporate world, we use the agile methodology. This means that you evaluate both yourself and your project during biweekly sprints. At the end of year 1, you will be able to develop software in different programming languages. In the first year you focus on the following themes:

  • Computer Science
    Computer Science is the science that describes how a computer works. You will learn about the history and fundamentals of computer science and how to apply this in practice in your own software. We teach you the basics of programming, taking your level into account.
  • Game development
    In this block you will learn everything about object-oriented programming while developing a game yourself. You work on your programming knowledge, and in the final weeks you will together with your team develop an educational game for primary school children.
  • Modern Software Development
    In order to quickly and securely develop applications such as mobile apps, games or web applications, frameworks like Unity, Java Play and Laravel are used frequently. You are introduced to development within the Laravel framework. You are introduced to the basic functions of the framework, such as MVC, routes and migrations. You directly apply your knowledge in practice by carrying out a project for an external client.

Will you come up with an IT solution that suits the needs of your client? This year is dedicated to your own work environment and your client. You frequently work on assignments for real companies in project groups. You use the agile methodology: during biweekly sprints, you evaluate your project, yourself, and your role within your team. You do not only work on your knowledge, but also on your development as a professional. You focus on the following themes:

  • Business value creation
    During this semester your central focus is on the user. You can do this through Design Thinking, a process in which you focus on the user, work in teams, and which allows you to find creative and innovative solutions for your ICT issue. We also work on Continuous Integration. Looking at how to create value for your company and your client is an important theme during this semester.
  • Data Science
    You work on machine learning, cloud computing and data visualisation. You learn how to determine which requirements an application has to fulfil. During this semester, you will also investigate whether you are interested in entrepreneurship and think about ethics in your field.

You choose one of the three study tracks: Software Engineer, Business IT Consultant or Data Scientist. Your minor and internship (in the Netherlands or abroad) are centered on your chosen study track.

The first semester is dedicated to your study track. You conclude the programme with a graduation research project at a company in The Netherlands or abroad.

In the Netherlands, the standard of higher education is maintained through an accreditation system that ensures legal regulation and quality assurance. All programmes at HZ University of Applied Sciences are examined and approved by the accreditor, the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that they meet the quality requirements for accredited higher education set by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, ensuring that you are always choosing a programme of high standard.

Study tracks

In the ICT study programme you have ample space to choose a track that suits you. In your third year, you choose one of these three study tracks:

A hand touching a floating globe that's lit up

Business IT Consultant (BIC)

You bridge the gap between IT technology, employees and organisations. You map out wishes and…

Software Engineer (SE)

You design and develop appropriate software. Of course, you do this in accordance with the wishes…

Data Scientist (DS)

We all produce enormous amounts of data every day. This data is a wealth of information for…
Thumbnail of an animation about Information and Communication Technology

ICT explained

Would you like to work in one of the most innovative and leading sectors of this moment? And do you get a kick out of technology, innovation, creativity and would you like to invent, develop or program things? Then choose for Information and Communication Technology at HZ!
Information and Communication Technology students working on a project on their laptops
Portrait of Information and Communication Technology student Paolina

Paolina, Information and Communication Technology student, tells more about her experiences at HZ

"At HZ theory and practice merge seamlessly"
Information and Communication Technology student working on her laptop
Thumbnail for the virtual tour of HZ University of Applied Sciences

Virtual tour

Take a look inside HZ University of Applied Sciences!
Information and Communication Technology students working on a project

What our students say

Do you want to know what our students think of the IT programme and why they chose this programme? Read the various experiences of our students.

About the programme
Daniils, Information & Communication Technology Student

The teachers have real experience in the field and will prepare me to be a good professional in programming.

Read the full story from Daniils
Aadya poses in front of a beach hut
About the programme Study at HZ
Aadya, ICT Student

What stood out to me in the information session was the comfortable and helpful environment created by the teachers and senior students

Read the full story from Aadya


Have you made your choice? Read all about our application procedure.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the Information and Communication Technology programme you need:

  • A qualification equivalent to a Dutch secondary education diploma, which gives you access to higher education.
  • A good command of written and spoken English. Your level of English should be equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.0.

Read more about the admission and language requirements.

Alternative entrance exam

If you don’t have the appropriate secondary school diploma, and if you are at least 21 years old, you may be exempted from this requirement. The HZ provides the possibility of taking an alternative entrance exam.

Course description

Read more detailed course information in the Academic and Examination Regulation.

Fees and finances

Next to the tuition fees and cost of living there are extra costs for your study programme (study materials, excursions and books). In the first two years these costs are approximately €400,- per year. A good laptop is indispensable.

Read more about the fees and finances here.

Pre-arrival information and studying in The Netherlands

Visa, health insurance, accommodation and a Dutch bank account. You need to arrange quite some things when you decide to study abroad. Read all about it here. And what it's like to study in the Netherlands? And what is Middelburg like? Read all about Zeeland, the Netherlands and HZ.


Do you have any questions or do you need more information about the study programme? Please contact us:

After graduation

Congratulations, you're now graduated! From now on you may use the title ‘Bachelor of Science’. Did you participate in the Honours Programme? You will get an extra certificate with your bachelor's degree.

Your possibilities are endless. You can work for commercial companies such as banks and insurance companies, industrial companies, IT companies and start-ups. There is also high demand for IT professionals in the non-profit sector, including in healthcare, defence, and local governments. It is expected that there will be 1 million vacancies in Europe around 2020

  • IT-consultant
    The term consultant or advisor includes quite a few positions, such as Information Analyst, Functional Designer and ERP/CRM consultant. As a consultant, you are the bridge between the IT requirements of an organisation and fulfilling these requirements with innovative IT solutions. You chart all the requirements and work together with the development teams that build these solutions, towards the final design. After several years of work experience, you can progress to senior consultant.
  • Data engineer
    As a data engineer, you process large amounts of data from different types of sources (big data) and convert this data into usable insights for a company. This is done using special software and by writing algorithms to retrieve, structure and analyse data. You do not only have a good understanding of IT but are also able to convert data into solid advice.
  • Software engineer
    As a software engineer, you develop software, applying techniques from computer science in the design, development and testing. You carry out programme tests and maintain and optimise the performance of the software. You sometimes also draft the programme specifications and application structure.
  • Cloud engineer
    As a Cloud engineer you help build (and manage) secure cloud environments. This helps organisations to transform their own (in-house) servers into closed and/or open cloud solutions, for example.
  • Web developer/Front-end or back-end developer
    A web developer is someone who takes care of the technical side of complex websites. The web developer develops the backend and takes care of the link between the back-end and the front-end. As such, a web programmer mostly works on the technical side of the website.
Information and Communication Technology students showing off a project

Study in The Netherlands

Are you thinking of studying in Holland? An excellent choice! We tell you why in our brochure.

Information and Communication Technology in practice

During projects and assignments you often work for real clients. In this way, your training fits in well with your later work. Curious about what kind of projects you will be doing? Check it out below!

Joint Research Center Zeeland: a unique research institute

The Joint Research Center Zeeland (JRCZ) is a brand new research institute located next to the HZ…

Hzensor boat

In the coming years, HBO-ICT, Civil Engineering, Engineering and Maritime Officer students will be…

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