Why did you choose to study ICT?
"Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a highly collaborative field and it’s one of the fastest growing career markets. As a high school student, I had taken a C++ programming course and enjoyed it a lot more than any other subject I had, which also made me an excellent student. I realised if I continue studying something I enjoy, I was more likely to succeed as a student and a graduate."
Why did you choose HZ?
"I knew I wanted to be in an applied sciences university from the very beginning, since I never liked the theory and written exam education system in my home country, it made learning less interesting. Additionally, the ICT course in HZ University of Applied Sciences was way more diverse than any other IT related courses I had applied to. Covering all the bases of the IT field, it opened my career prospects to a large level.
My father and I asked his colleagues and friends who had completed their education here in the Netherlands about good applied sciences university and most of them suggested HZ. When I applied, I went through the student blogs, the Instagram page and read the articles about HZ’s values and contribution to the society with their projects. All of this was great already, but what stood out to me in the information session was the comfortable and helpful environment created by the teachers and senior students. I immediately felt welcomed and realised I should stick with this university."
How was the transition from your home country to the Netherlands?
"Not hard at all! The only thing I miss is Indian food. The people here are extremely kind and helpful."
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What is the most valuable part of your studies?
"Collaborating with different clients and working on new projects with new methods. It’s an amazingly refreshing way of learning and experimenting."
What has been the most interesting project you have worked on?
"I am currently working on a data science project with geo-spatial data analysing. Our client is the data science research center of HZ. The ReAShore (Resilient Anthropogenic Shores) project focuses on the interaction of coastal areas with human activity with the aim of maintaining coastal safety and spatial quality of the "Zandmotor" and "Hondsbossche Duinen". Us as data science students are focusing on determining whether the available data from the satellites can be used to make predictions about regional changes(mostly coastal land) based on previous measurements."
What has been the highlight of your studies at HZ?
"Meeting new students from different courses and working with them is definitely something I’ll always cherish. And as an ICT student, I’ll always be thankful for the openness about making mistakes and having new opportunities to learn from them."
What would you like to do after graduation?
"I’d like to work as a data scientist or a Business IT consultant after my graduation for a few years and then apply for my masters in a specific field that I’m interested in."
What would your advice be to a student applying to HZ?
"Don’t hesitate to reach out and try to include yourself. Take space and ask for help. From teachers, to the HZ staff and senior students, everyone here is always ready to help you in any way that they can."