The leisure supply database provides insight into the nature, distribution and extent of Zeeland's leisure supply. This includes things like recreational routes, day attractions, museums, nature reserves, beaches, hospitality clusters and retail clusters.

Understanding this leisure offer leads to a better understanding of visitor flows and can help identify possible tourist pressure in relation to regional carrying capacity. It also provides insight into the (intended) diversity of Zeeland's leisure offerings and helps in the development and assessment of new initiatives.

First analysis

An initial analysis was conducted in 2021 based on open data. Data on Zeeland's leisure offer is collected from a number of national sources, such as the Chamber of Commerce trade register and various public map layers through the National Georegister. In addition, own inventories and surveys are carried out to supplement and complete the available data.

Work is underway on the data collection for more than 50 categories within this inventory of Zeeland's leisure offerings as well as the final disclosure of the various types of available data.

Research group

Coastal Tourism Knowledge Centre

View research group

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