This study programme teaches you how to use technology, data, management and economy in such a way that you will be able to improve production processes or to make organisations profitable or more sustainable.

Do you want to help organisations - such as manufacturing sites, health care organisations, energy supply companies or government agencies - to perform effectively in our increasingly complex society? Then this technical and managerial programme is the right choice for you. As an Industrial Engineer & Manager you will be involved in designing, managing, optimising and improving business processes. You learn how to use technology, data, management and finance to help organisations more efficient and innovative, minimise risks, improve production processes and maximise profitability.

Industrial Engineering & Management is a top-rated programme

Industrial Engineering & Management is a top-rated programme in the Netherlands, according to the Keuzegids 2024.

Open Day on 23 November

Find out more about Industrial Engineering and Management at the Open Day on Saturday 23 November!

Sign up here

This is Industrial Engineering and Management

Read all about the structure of the programme, internship, graduation and minor.

During the first year you will lay a strong foundation in technology, economy, organisational science and management. From day 1 you are introduced to your future professional work field. You work in project groups at host companies, on real-life assignments from the business sector relating to quality management, process optimisation and maintenance. You focus on themes, such as:

  • Productions and Business Processes
  • Asset and Maintenance Management
  • Quality Management
  • Operational Excellence

During the second year you will delve deeper into various subjects. Projects become more complex and focus on innovation and sustainability within an international context. You focus on themes, such as:

  • Process Design and Process Redesign
  • Material Sciences
  • Business Information Systems
  • Innovation, Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Change Management
  • Marketing and Supply Chain Management

You gain further experience with your internship "Exploring today: Managing operational challenges" and with a minor in the Netherlands or abroad. Here you can find all minors that HZ has to offer.

During your 4th year, you broaden and deepen your knowledge and skills even further and you prepare for your final thesis. You work on analysing strategic innovations and professional integration on themes, such as:

  • Process improvement, using data analysis
  • Asset Management
  • Sustainability

In the third year, you will do an internship at a company of your choice in the Netherlands or abroad. During your internship, you will experience first-hand how process optimisation works in a technical company. How can you design the process to install a smartphone screen in such a way that less damages occur, less phones are rejected and the profit increases?

Graduation research

In your final year, you will conduct a graduation research and you will demonstrate that you are ready for the profession field. You can research how the production process of a renowned shoe manufacturer can be made more economical and efficient through robotisation and mechanisation, while at the same time the quality of the shoes remains the same as when they were handcrafted.

In the Netherlands, the standard of higher education is maintained through an accreditation system that ensures legal regulation and quality assurance. All programmes at HZ University of Applied Sciences are examined and approved by the accreditor, the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that they meet the quality requirements for accredited higher education set by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, ensuring that you are always choosing a programme of high standard.

What our students say

Do you want to know what our students think of the Industrial Engineering and Management and why they chose this programme? Read the various experiences of our students.

Portrait of Philippe, Industrial Engineering & Management student
About the programme Study at HZ
Phillippe, Industrial Engineering & Management Student

Industrial Engineering & Management offers exactly the practical experience I was looking for

Read the full story from Phillippe
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Have you made your choice? Read all about our application procedure and apply.

Admission requirements

To qualify for admission to the programme you need:

  • A qualification equivalent to a Dutch secondary education Diploma (HAVO/VWO).
  • A good knowledge of mathematics. Economics and/or physics would be an advantage.
  • In case you need to improve the level of Mathematics before starting the study programme, we offer an online mathematics course. This course will take about 80 study hours and will cost €200. You will study from home and will be supported by one of our lecturers online. Once you start with the study programme, €100 will be refunded to you. Please contact and they will inform you further about the possibilities.
  • A good command of written and spoken English. Your level of English should be equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.0.

Read more about the admission and language requirements.

Course description

Read more detailed course information in the Academic and Examination Regulation.

Alternative entrance exam

If you don’t have the appropriate secondary school diploma, and if you are at least 21 years old, you may be exempted from this requirement. The HZ provides the possibility of taking an alternative entrance exam.

Fees and finances

Next to the tuition fees and cost of living there are extra costs for your study programme (study materials and books). You will have excursions on regular basis. Read more about the fees and finances here.

Pre-arrival information and studying in The Netherlands

Visa, health insurance, accommodation and a Dutch bank account. You need to arrange quite some things when you decide to study abroad. Read all about it here. And what's it like to study in the Netherlands? And what is Middelburg like? Read all about Zeeland, the Netherlands and HZ.


Do you have any questions or do you need more information about the study programme? Please contact us:

After graduation

Congratulations, you're now graduated! From now on you may use the title ‘Bachelor of Science’. Did you participate in the Honours Programme? You will get an extra certificate with your bachelor's degree.

There is a large demand worldwide for professionals with a combined technical and managerial background. Industrial Engineering & Management offers the best job perspectives and highest starting salaries. Our graduates have secures positions as:

  • (Asset) manager
    Assets are company resources, for instance machines, vehicles and other important ‘tools’. As an asset manager, it is your responsibility to make the right choice with respect to these (often) large, expensive and advanced assets. You will be responsible for the purchasing, complete life cycle and maintenance of these assets. To this end, you will outsource the research into the costs as well as the technical and commercial aspects, and the impact on the environment. You will give your advice based on this investigation.
  • Process engineer
    You are able to quickly scan a company of department and use a variety of tools to analyse, improve and (re)design a given process.
  • Quality or Health and Safety Engineer
    As a quality manager you assist in establishing systems to support an drive continuous improvements and minimise the costs. You plan, schedule, execute and coordinate the different activities related to quality, health or safety issues.

Upon graduation you can enroll in a master degree programme. If you want to do this abroad you can usually start straight away. If you wish to do this at a research university in the Netherlands, you may be required to follow a pre-Master’s programme.

Download the Industrial Engineering and Management brochure

Would you like to read more about the programme? Download our brochure with all the information.

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