Do you have a question during the summer holidays? Some departments are less reachable during this period. Therefore, we list the most important questions, answers and contact details for you.


For questions about registration, please contact the HZ Student Office. This can be done via

You can request a proof of enrolment via Osiris student. Log in with your HZ username and HZ password.

You can request proof of paid tuition fees via

Closing dates for applications are:

1 June, non-EU students (files must be complete before this date)
1 August, EU students

Read more about the application procedures

Your enrolment is complete when you meet the admission requirements of your programme and when you have issued the authorisation of your tuition fees. You can find the admission requirements on the information page of your programme on this website.

For questions about enrolment, please contact the Student Desk:

During a study choice check, we look together at whether the study of your choice matches your interests, qualities and motivation. A study choice check is compulsory for some study programmes. You will have received a link to HZ Learn when you registered for your course. On HZ Learn, you can read everything about the Study choice check of your chosen programme.

Is a study choice check compulsory for your course, but you have not yet received an invitation? Send an email to your study programme.

You arrange this before 1 September via your account on Studielink. Here you can submit a 'New enrolment request'. Do not forget to deregister for the programme(s) you are not going to take.

Direct debit is possible if you are from a country on the SEPA list. You can read more about it on this page.

Can we help you? Please email Finance at

Questions about logging in and student ID

After your enrolment, we will send 2 e-mails with your username and password for the ICT facilities. These emails will be sent to the private email address you entered on Studielink.

Did you not see these messages? Then please check your spam folder. Can't find it there? Please contact the Student Desk:

You can log in on MyHZ when your registration at the HZ is complete. You will receive an email with your login details.

On MyHZ you will find, among other things, your schedule and your personal data as registered with us.

Your student pass will be issued during the HZ Kick-off. Make sure your application is complete and that you have uploaded a digital passport photo on MyHZ (not to be confused with your HZ Learn).

Questions about book list, schedule, etc.

You will find your book list on MyHZ as soon as your registration is complete and your data have been processed by us in your digital learning environment OSIRIS. Log in to MyHZ with your HZ username and password. Via your personal menu you go to the Webshop. In the menu of the Webshop you will find the book list.

Did you register after 7 July? Then you will be linked into OSIRIS in the week of 26 August till 1 September. You will then be able to view your book list.

Can't find your book list? Ask your study programme. Some programmes provide their book lists during the introduction week.

As soon as your registration is complete, you will find your timetable in the Outlook calendar of your HZ-mail.

You can also view your schedule on MyHZ via your personal menu.

Other questions

Before you start a study programme, it is useful to have a laptop. To get started right away, we have listed a few pieces of advice:

  • At least Windows 10
  • Microsoft 365, downloadable for free after 1 September with your HZ account
  • Sufficient storage capacity, at least 250 GB
  • Sometimes study programmes also have specific requirements, check with your study programme.

The entire Office 365 including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint is free to use during your studies. As a student, you can purchase other software packages at reduced rates via

You are obliged to be present at the Kick-off. During the Kick-off you receive a lot of relevant and practical information. You also get to know the teachers and students of your programme.

Send an e-mail to your study programme with your name, student number and the name of the student with whom you want to be in the class. The programme will then try to arrange this. However, we cannot guarantee that it will be successful.

You can pass on a change of address yourself via Studielink. The HZ will automatically receive this change through Studielink.

Do you have a question or are you experiencing problems with OnStage? If so, please contact The Work Zone, HZ's student employment and internship office, via e-mail or by phone at +31(0)118-489111. They can be reached between 08.30 and 17.00.

A certificate of graduation will not be issued. Your diploma is sufficient proof of graduation. Were you unable to collect your diploma? Then request a copy via You can also download an extract on My DUO.

Important contact information

Student desk

Domain Technology, Water & Environment

For the programmes Logistics Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Global Project & Change Management, Industrial Engineering & Management, Information & Communication Technology, River Delta Development, Water Management:

Domain Business, Vitality & Hospitality

For the programmes International Business & Tourism Management: