The research group Elderly Care conducts research into innovations in elderly care based on issues from practice. "Innovations with which we can ultimately improve the quality of life of the elderly," says Gerda Andringa, Lecturer.

According to her, innovating in elder care is necessary for the quality of elder care in the province, because of the ageing of the population, sharp increases in the cost of care and shortages on the labour market. Moreover, elder care has an image problem. In Zeeland, the quality of care is still high, but there are concerns about the ageing population and young people moving away.

Gerda Andringa is a lecturer in elder care. She delivered her inaugural address on Wednesday, Nov. 16: 'Leren met lef: naar een toekomstbestendige ouderenzorg'.


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Gerda Andringa
Gerda Andringa


Nathalie van de Zande
Nathalie van de Zande


Mareike Millner
Mareike Millner


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