The 'Working with Water Landscapes' initiative should start connecting the regional economy and the natural dynamics of large waters and surrounding areas. For biodiversity, it is important to consider land and water nature in conjunction. At the same time, those productive and diverse ecosystems add value to the people who live and work around large waters. Working with water landscapes gives entrepreneurs and (nature) site managers the chance to get their ideas and suggestions into handouts for public parties. The working method is different because economic (co-) use takes centre stage instead of public tasks (e.g. water storage, biodiversity or climate adaptation). According to the project group, this will increase support for working towards a shared future.

Every year, the project organises boot camps to learn from each other. Participants learn how economic use and social innovation can be combined with the ideas from the Programme Approach to Large Waters on the design and management of those waters with which we aim for high-quality nature and biodiversity. For example, when it comes to levee relocation, repurposing silt-rich sediment and multifunctional use of space in the transition zone between land and water.

The initiators want to take the space to experiment, for instance by creatively designing areas in consultation with local stakeholders, but also through field research into the reuse of sediment rich in silt-and by developing back banks more adaptively. One plan is to discuss and coordinate intermediate results already during implementation, so that potential revenue models come into view earlier.

HZ University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen Environmental Research (coordinator), Deltares, Stichting EcoShape, Waterrecreation Netherlands, Sportvisserij Nederland, Zeeland Nature and Environment Federation, Wageningen Marine Research, NIOZ, Rijkswaterstaat, province of North Holland, province of Zeeland, Natuurmonumenten and Wereld Natuur Fonds are working together in the 'working with water landscapes' project. The project will last four years (2021-2025) and is made possible by a grant for Public-Private Partnership Initiatives (PPP) from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency for Top Consortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI).

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Building with Nature

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