Hydrogen is a very important feedstock for industry in Zeeland. It is already widely used in the industry in Zeeland and the need will grow due to new sustainable chemical processes.

This feedstock will eventually have to be CO2-free hydrogen, for which there is no alternative.

In Zeeland, making green hydrogen as a raw material for industry is therefore the main focus. The Regional Energy Strategy 1.0 (RES) therefore places this on the first rung of Zeeland's hydrogen ladder. The RES also mentions that hydrogen production should be examined in conjunction with both local demand for hydrogen and oxygen, and the national electricity market, as well as transport capacity of electricity grid and gas grid.

Hydrogen production plant

The Energy landscape De Groene Kamers project is situated in the municipality of Reimerswaal. Via Gasunie's backbone, the yet-to-be-developed hydrogen production plant will supply hydrogen to industry and possibly also to farmers in the area. In doing so, the project has the potential to realise several coupling opportunities with other social challenges in the outlying area, creating new opportunities and win-win situations. We want to investigate the development of these linking opportunities for feasibility. For instance, the residual heat and oxygen can be used to make Bath WWTP and the greenhouse area Bathpolder more sustainable, and we are investigating to what extent we can use smart energy management to produce hydrogen by using solar and wind energy.


The area partners, ZonXP, H2XP, Van Lakwijk Agro, Zeeuwind, Stedin, Scheldestromen water board and RWZI Bath (Brabantse Delta water board), together with the Delta Power research group of HZ University of Applied Sciences, have united to form a consortium, which is conducting a feasibility study into the coupling opportunities in the development of the hydrogen production plant of the Energy Landscape De Groene Kamers.

Research group

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