In the project Binding of students to the region Zeeland, the educational institutions HZ University of Applied Sciences and Scalda researched the motives of students to settle or not settle in Zeeland after their studies. The reason for the study was that many students leave the region after graduating.

This results in a loss of knowledge and expertise in business and government. Researchers dr Ingrid Snijders, Harm IJben, Mareike Millner and Kalina Mikolajczak-Degrauwe from the Healthy Region research group at HZ University of Applied Sciences, together with Marc Cardon and Johan Klok from Scalda, conducted a literature study on liveability, interviews and discussions with (groups of) students and had students fill in questionnaires. The results provide insight into their choices and thus liveability in Zeeland.

First copy

The report was presented on Tuesday 17 May 2022 during a theme meeting at the HZ in Vlissingen. The first copy was presented to deputy Jo-Annes de Bat.

The project was partly made possible by a contribution from the Zeeland in Stroomversnelling program. The research was carried out in collaboration with HZ Nexus.

Research group

Healthy Region

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