In 2021, Ingrid received her PhD from Utrecht University. Her dissertation is based on Social Exchange Theory and Social Psychology where she applies ideas from the relationship and services management literature to higher education. The underlying research proposal was awarded the NWO PhD Scholarship for Teachers (Grant number 023.006.035). Ingrid has presented her research articles at several international conferences such as ICCMI, AERA, EARLI, BISTOPS, and ECP which have been published in international academic journals.
She has extensive experience in teaching such as in her role as coordinator of student career coaching, lecturer service management, designer of the Research Skills course, and thesis supervisor of students in the social and economic cluster.
With a penchant for doing research, Ingrid is always curious about new, innovative research projects in the fields of relationship building, social interaction, engagement, quality assurance and collaboration, and behavioral influence especially.
In doing so, she likes to make various crossovers in theory between education, research, and practice.

Binding van studenten aan de regio Zeeland
In the project Binding of students to the region Zeeland, the educational institutions HZ…

The care model to be developed will be supported with e-health and professionalisation for all…

Additional objectives focus on allowing people to live at home longer, improving patient…