Healthcare in Zeeland faces three major challenges: by 2030, there will be a growing number of elderly people (27.7 percent of the Zeeland population will be over 65 years old by 2030) and chronically ill people (55 percent by 2030). Additionally, there are significant shortages in almost all healthcare professions (currently, one in seven people works in healthcare, but if policies remain unchanged, it will be one in four by 2040). Moreover, the personnel that remains will not be trained as required for the future. "In short: the demand for care is increasing, the labor market is tightening, and healthcare itself is changing." (*Deltaplan Labor Market Care & Welfare Zeeland*, p. 3).
These figures call for action, and that is why the *Deltaplan Labor Market Care & Welfare Zeeland* has been developed. The core of this plan is to make the best possible use of the current and future labor potential, and a key part of that is education: "How do we train professionals well, keep them fit for their work, and ensure that they can build a meaningful career in our sector?" (*Deltaplan Labor Market Care & Welfare Zeeland*, p. 3). Healthcare institutions are working together with each other and with educational institutions on this.
Within a Professional Learning Community (PLC), knowledge is shared, and work practices are examined and improved. When an institution can distinguish itself as a PLC, it not only enhances its ability to adapt to changes but also contributes to a more meaningful career experience. A PLC fosters the education and development of its members to continuously adapt to a changing environment. Therefore, if a healthcare institution becomes a PLC, it could be part of the solution to the various challenges facing healthcare in Zeeland.
Learning Community
Based on the 'School as a Professional Learning Community Scan' (Schenke et al., 2015), Patrick van Schaik, a professor at the 'Excellence and Innovation in Education' research group, and Petra Poelmans, a practitioner in Hybrid Learning Environments at Scalda, developed the 'Healthcare Institution as a Learning Organization Scan'. In collaboration with Viazorg, this scan is being conducted at various healthcare institutions in Zeeland, after which the results are discussed, and next steps are determined. More information and developments can be found and followed through *Anders Denken Anders Doen* (Thinking Differently, Doing Differently).
This research was made possible by the 'Deltaplan Zorg' initiative.