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Resilience youth professionals through meaning in work

The youth sector is under pressure: the number of clients is increasing, care demands are becoming…

Landelijk Expertisecentrum PO-VO

LEPOVO is the National Expertise Center for Primary to Secondary Education. It addresses the need…

Added value of pedagogues in the classroom

The primary task of professionals working with young people is perhaps to provide good guidance…

Workshop on Educational Research on Giftedness Zeeland

Various educational institutions in Zeeland recognize the importance of aligning education with the…

Learning network practice-oriented education research 'reading skills'

Platform Leadership in Education

In the past, the role of a school leader was hierarchical, primarily focused on managing…

Zeeland students from secondary education and teacher training

The teacher shortage in both primary and secondary education in Zeeland, as in other regions, poses…

Healthcare institution as a professional learning community

Healthcare in Zeeland faces three major challenges: by 2030, there will be a growing number of…