'Dare2Connect - Transparency in shipping cost and Carbon Footprint' investigates making container transport more sustainable and efficient. The aim is to gain insight into the preconditions and build knowledge about the success factors. HZ University of Applied Sciences, HelloContainer, Dacomex, iSHARE/UC Group and Zeeland Connect are the project partners.

The rise of digital, logistics platforms is a game-changer for existing players in the transport market. Online platforms make the transport market transparent by bundling supply and demand. This makes better use of available capacity in the market and reduces costs and prices in the chain. On the other hand, an online platform bundles the demand side of the market and ensures that providers reach a larger number of potential customers. Online platforms are disruptive because they serve users individually and customised on the basis of advanced technology and data - referred to as a user-centric approach - thereby driving out existing parties currently active in them and developing new services and business models based on data. Companies like Bol.com, Zalando, Amazon, Booking and Uber are well-known examples of successful platforms.


In transport and logistics, digital, logistics platforms have so far been limited to part of the chain (port-to-port: port-to-port) or to a specialised submarket (container road transport) due to the complexity of the logistics chain.

This project aims to go a step further and digitise the logistics export chain from 'door-to-port' and let exporters book and manage logistics via an online portal. The premise here is that a shipper can make an optimal choice for its container transport based on cost, efficiency and environmental impact of its transport.

Booking platform

The development of an innovative booking platform for container logistics in Zeeland contributes to a progressive response to current challenges. Besides optimising and making the sector's logistics in Zeeland more sustainable, this project contributes to a broader digital transformation. As digitalisation advances, new opportunities arise for businesses. They are using data collection and analysis tools to keep pace with the evolution of the sector. Innovating technical innovations and bringing developments together ensures that the domain of the Ports and Logistics Knowledge and Innovation Network not only digitises, but adapts to evolve along with it in a digital world. In this way, the project has an impact on the digital transformation of both customers and the sector. This makes the sector in Zeeland less vulnerable, resilient during expected changes and open to new innovations.

Research group

Supply Chain Innovation

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