Catalyst aims to create an adaptive, seamless, connected and sustainable logistics system in the future.

Current developments in digitization and automation in freight transport and logistics are expected to accelerate this development. These are complex developments, connecting different domains through ICT.

It requires major adjustments in the economy and in society. There is also the need to bring together (often) conflicting interests in business and society. It is a system innovation that requires an integral, experimental approach.

Valuable solutions

The project aims to determine the potential and impact of Connected Automated Transport (CAT) by developing, evaluating, monitoring and implementing valuable solutions in a real-world environment. There are five subprojects experimenting with CAT innovations on smart yards and connected corridors, while answering research questions on supply chain integration, users, infrastructure, data and policy.


Behind Catalyst is a large, active partnership: logistics service providers, transport companies, shippers, ports, knowledge and research institutions, and regional governments. Together, these partners are creating a sustainable ecosystem for the successful and sustained implementation of feasible, scalable CAT innovations in practice. After completion, this will continue.

The partners are:

Partners Catalyst

Research group

Supply Chain Innovation

View research group

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