Since moving abroad to study, I’ve had quite the journey adjusting to living alone, and I’m here to share my experiences with you. If you’re a prospective student thinking about studying in the Netherlands, I hope my story gives you some helpful insights.

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Embracing independence

Realising that everyone eventually faces the challenge of living independently is a comforting thought. It’s a part of growing up, and I found myself taking that step at just 17. While I’m not the youngest student living alone—some of my classmates are just 16—knowing that your family is just a phone call away can really ease the transition.

Learn new things

The fridge doesn’t fill itself. The laundry won’t magically jump into the washer, and neither will the dishes. The dryer doesn’t come with an ironing function, either. Feeling shocked or scared? Don’t worry! There’s a first time for everything, and plenty of “How To...” tutorials on the internet can guide you. I had never cooked anything before studying abroad, but the situation pushed me to give it a try. It’s a fun experience to test your skills—you’ll feel a mix of excitement and fear of failure that makes success all the more rewarding. It’s even more enjoyable if you try it with friends and create memories together.

Staying connected

When loneliness strikes, reaching out to someone you trust can make all the difference. Thanks to modern technology, staying connected with loved ones has never been easier. Whether it’s FaceTime, Zoom, or just a simple call, these tools are lifelines. Imagine how much harder it was for students 20 years ago when constant communication wasn’t possible. We’re lucky to have these resources at our fingertips!

Adulting is hard!

Balancing the responsibilities of adulthood while still being a teenager is tough. Simple tasks, like going to the bank, can feel overwhelming, and I’m sure many adults would agree! Living alone forces you to take on a lot of responsibility quickly—it’s like adding 50 pounds of weight to your shoulders. But remember, you’re in control of your mind and emotions. When things get tough, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that this is all part of the learning process.


One of the greatest rewards of living alone is the personal growth you experience. You’ll discover just how strong and resilient you are. Every day comes with its own set of challenges, but overcoming them teaches you so much about yourself. For me, journaling has been a huge help. At the end of each day, I write about my experiences, and when I’m feeling down, I read through my entries to remind myself of how far I’ve come.

I hope this blog gives you a glimpse into what it’s like to live alone as a young international student. Whether you’re already at HZ or just thinking about studying abroad, know that this journey is a chance for incredible growth.

And remember, if living alone feels too daunting, you can always opt for shared housing.

It's your future

If you would like to know more about studying in the Netherlands and at HZ, you can read all about it in the special brochure that is made for international students.

Download the brochure

Last modified on: 22-08-2024

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