Frances Kannekens

Frances Kannekens

Frances Kannekens is coordinator of the Asset Management research group. She completed her HBO Civil Engineering at the Hogeschool Rotterdam, where she received the Hydraulic Engineering Award and the Bouwend Rijnmond Award for her thesis.
She then continued her studies at the University of Antwerp. Here she obtained her Master's degree in Heritage Studies. After her studies, she joined an engineering firm as Asset Manager. During this period she had the opportunity to inspect various hydraulic works, including the Maeslandkering and the (old) lock complex of IJmuiden.
After her work as Asset Manager, Frances joined Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta. Here she was Coordinator of the Asset Management Team Roads. During this period she and her team were responsible for the management and maintenance of all roads and tunnels within Zeeland. Together they worked on the accessibility of Zeeland, for now and the coming years.
Since 2022, Frances has been working within the HZ as coordinator of the Asset Management research group. In addition to her coordinating duties, she assists her team in various research projects, such as Manabas Coast, Animals in the Dike and Riobase.




A well-functioning sewer is vitally important, but as a small municipality, how do you make sure…

Zeelandbrug maintenance


Manabas Coast

In the new project Manabas Coast, a partnership including HZ University of Applied Sciences is…