One of the aims of the cooperation is to gain a structured understanding of the replacement task of the three assets (bridges, dams and sewerage pumping stations) of the Scheldestromen Water Board. The aim is to use long-term planning to obtain a look-through for the next 30 years until 2050. To this end, a management and maintenance strategy should be developed, based as much as possible on data. This insight includes not only the maintenance and replacement task, but also its costs.

The main question is: What are the appropriate risk-driven long-term maintenance strategies for the bridges, sewage pumping stations and dams in the management area of Scheldestromen Water Board, taking into account the functions (and associated performance requirements) of each?

The surveys of three asset types are conducted in parallel. For unambiguity and clarity, a uniform approach to translating organisational goals into performance has been adopted here.

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