Minor: Offshore Renewable Energy

The energy sources in nature are renewing constantly: every day the sun rises, the wind blows, tides move. On land, the possibilities to use these resources for the energy transition are limited, but at sea the potential is enormous. In the minor Offshore Renewable Energy you learn about the developments in renewable energy at sea. You study tidal energy as well as wind energy and gain knowledge on the complete life cycle of offshore wind farms.

With a team of fellow students, you prepare a proposal - a so-called tender bid - for building a new offshore wind farm for a real client. You cover technical aspects such as the size of the wind turbines and foundation constructions, and the infrastructure for cables and transformer platforms. Also, you include logistical aspects such as special ships and transport facilities, as well as a financial plan. As your second group project, you can choose between these subjects: hydrogen, supply chain, and logistics management and asset management. Furthermore, you will be introduced to the use of hydrogen as a way to store energy. This is the state of the art in storage solutions and you get to follow the developments up close.

Structure of the minor Offshore Renewable Energy

Teachers from several programs give the lectures and guide you when working on your projects. Frequently, experts in the energy sector give guest lectures. You will go on several company visits and make a field trip to an offshore wind farm.

With the Offshore Renewable Energy minor, depending on the assignment you work on, you may contribute to these Sustainable Development Goals:

  • SDG 7: Enabling energy transition by making use of renewable energy sources.
  • SDG 9: Developing sustainable infrastructure and taking part in innovative solutions.
  • SDG 13: Fighting climate change by using wind and tidal as energy sources.

With this minor, you will learn the following:

  • Explain the scope, impact and importance of offshore wind within the context of the renewable energy transition.
  • Apply knowledge of the full lifecycle of the design, installation, operation and maintenance on offshore wind farms.
  • Create a complete overview of the interdependencies of design, installation, operation and maintenance decisions on offshore wind farms within this life cycle.
  • Work in a multi-disciplinary and international project team.
  • Become familiar with different companies and jobs in the wind energy industry, both nationally and internationally.

Your week looks like this:

  • Thursday and Friday lectures at HZ.
  • The remaining days you do project work, lab work, follow trainings, visit fairs and go on field trips.

There is no required literature for this minor.

The following tests apply for this minor:

  • Design & Installation 1 (2.5 EC). Written exam.
  • Logistics & Operations 1 (2.5 EC). Written exam.
  • Project Tender Boskalis 1 (5 EC). Technical bid report + presentation.
  • Elective Project 1 (3.75 EC). Report + presentation.
  • Elective Activities 1 (1.25 EC). Registration card.
  • Design & Installation 2 (2.5 EC). Written exam.
  • Logistics & Operations 2 (2.5 EC). Written exam.
  • Project Tender Boskalis 2 (5 EC). Full bid report + presentation.
  • Elective Project 2 (3.75 EC). Report + presentation.
  • Elective Activities 2 (1.25 EC). Registration card.

Practical information

This minor is open to students from all programmes from all universities of applied sciences. The minor is particularly interesting for students Civil Engineering, Engineering, Maritiem Officier (Marof), Logistics Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Management and Water Management.

You must have completed the propedeuse and 30 credits in the main phase.

Semester 2

The minor runs from 3 February 2025 to 4 July 2025.

You can apply from 15 September 2024 to 1 December 2024.

Semester 1

The minor runs from September 2025 to January/February 2026.

You can apply from March 2025.

Do you study at the HZ? Then you can apply on this page. Do you study at another university of applied sciences? Then you can apply via Kies op Maat.

Joachim de Keijzer

Lecturer minor Offshore Renewable Energy

Questions about this minor?

Do you have any questions? Or would you like to discuss whether this minor suits you? Feel free to contact Joachim de Keijzer, lecturer minor Offshore Renewable Energy.

Mail Joachim

Register for this minor

HZ student

Are you studying at HZ and would you like to register for this minor? You can do so by registering for both the minor and for the tests.

Student from another Dutch university of applied sciences or student from our international partner universities

Are you studying at another Dutch university of applied sciences and would you like to take this minor at HZ? Then register via Kies op Maat.

If you have been selected by your home university to study one or two semesters at the HZ, you may start your application by registering through our online application procedure.

Our minors

A selection of our minors on offer

Applied Data Science

You learn about machine learning and deep learning and participate in a project where data science can provide an answer or solution.

HZ Studio

In co-creation with others you bring innovation to real life projects by applying design thinking or applied research.

Frequently asked questions

What do I need to know about minors?

You've probably heard of a minor. But what does a minor entail? What are the requirements to take a minor? And what about credits?

Minor Innovative Entrepeneurship

Following a HZ minor as HZ student?

Do you study at HZ and do you want to take a minor at HZ? Then there are points you should take into account. For example, what about a limited number of places?

How do I take an external minor?

Are you an HZ student taking a minor at another university of applied sciences or abroad? Then you need to arrange a number of things. For example, what does a motivation letter contain?

Taking a HZ minor as an external student?

Are you studying at another university of applied sciences? Great that you want to take an HZ minor as an external student! What about registering and processing the results?