Why did you choose to study Tourism Management?
“The decision to study Tourism Management was quite different from what I imagined to study as I was more interested in science and physics in high school. However, I have always been interested in languages, cultures, and their differences, so those aspects combined within a business focused bachelor definitely sparked my interest.”
What made you decide to choose for HZ in Vlissingen?
“I decided to study at HZ because I was looking for something close to my parental home as I was dealing with some health issues. When I brought this up at HZ they were very understanding and willing to help me wherever they could. This made me feel very welcome and seen, thus I decided that studying at HZ would be best for me.”
What has been the most valuable part of your studies so far?
“For me, that would be my graduation internship in Amsterdam and my current exchange minor in Seoul, South Korea. My graduation internship concerned the meetings and conventions industry, and it was more business traveler related, which was so different from the things we covered during my studies. This definitely opened my eyes to the endless possibilities within the world of tourism. The cherry on top is my exchange minor in Seoul, the place where I was born 23 years ago. Here I follow the major Business Administration. This experience will stay with me forever and I’ll always be grateful for this opportunity."
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Can you tell us more about your graduation internship?
“I got the opportunity to do my graduation internship for Amsterdam&partners. I moved to Amsterdam for half a year and learned all about the complex world of meetings, conventions, and business travelers which was super interesting. This was my first time working full time in an office environment and having to deal with different branches in the organization, I also learned a lot about stakeholder management, and I was able to visit Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Hotel Okura and many other impressive hotels in Amsterdam.”
What would you advise future Tourism Management students?
“My advice for prospective students is to be patient, listen to your instinct, and then push through. Your SLC can help you when you’re not sure what your instinct is telling you and look at the different options with you. You never know if something is the right decision but as long as you do what feels good for you, everything will work out!”