Why did you choose to study International Business?
"I decided to study International Business because it would help me with my future development as a young professional in the big world of business with international relations with customers. This programme at HZ University of Applied Sciences is one of the best in the Netherlands providing various opportunities to implement the theory into real-life cases. When we look back at the past, businesses were created to improve the life of people. And my mission is to develop a new product which could not be predicted by anyone else."
Why did you choose HZ?
"Firstly, I chose to study abroad, and my top country was the Netherlands. Then I started doing research and it appeared that HZ University of Applied Sciences has been in the Top 3 of medium-sized university of applied sciences for years. Moreover, most of the students who have graduated here are successful business owners and make the new step in world economy. At that moment I had a feeling that this is the university which will help me achieve my goals."
How was the transition from your home country to the Netherlands?
"It was a new chapter of my story. I knew that I must be calm, but the excitement didn’t let me. From the moment of packaging all my stuff to entering the studio, I had the feeling that I had written with big capital letter - NEW BEGINNING. And I was totally right. Sometimes it is hard, especially when I am far from my loved ones, but on the other hand every difficulty makes me stronger."
What is the most valuable part of your studies?
"Some people say that business is a type of art: first you must learn how to draw before you pick the brush. I agree with this saying with the simple example of my studies - before I start any projects, I must gain the theoretical knowledge. Sometimes it takes many hours and a step before losing motivation, you are closer to find the treasure of the successful people. Being patient and knowing that the time knows its price and will pay you back in the future."
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What has been the most interesting project you have worked on?
"I am a first year International Business student and at this moment I have worked on many projects, but the most interesting for me was the project called Company Profile. I was in a group with four other students and we had to create a poster of three different companies after visiting them, interviewing the owners and employees, seeing how people work within the organisation and what the challenges for the company are."
What has been the highlight of your studies at HZ?
"The highlight of my studies so far is, on one hand, business and on the other hand personal development. During my studies I found out what my strengths are, how could I be a better version of myself and what the step-by-step plan for this is."
What would you like to do after graduation?
"I would like to establish my own company operating in multiple countries, providing the opportunity for people to have better life."
What would your advice be to a student applying to HZ?
"My advice is short: be yourself. Find your better version. Start again. And remember that the only limit is yourself."