"Growing up I had a big interest in learning different cultures and languages. On top of that, Business has also been my interest and the choice was quickly made which is why I chose International Business."
Why did you choose HZ?
"I grew up in Zeeland, born and raised so the decision was quickly made. Also some of my friends followed this course at HZ and they expressed their satisfaction about it."
What is the most valuable part of your studies?
"Personally, I believe it is making connections with other students. You never know where you are going to end up or where your fellow students are going to end up, perhaps you can help each other in the future."
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What has been the most interesting project you have worked on?
"As of now, we have only done two projects and thus, I have limited experience with different project(s). However, I did enjoy the market research project we had to do in the first block."
What has been the highlight of your studies at HZ?
"Currently I do not have enough experience yet, however, I have to commend HZ on their personal approach. I studied at a different university before and I transferred to HZ after COVID19 and I was allowed to get several exemptions."
What would you like to do after graduation?
"I would like to work as an investment banker or investment analyst. Anywhere in the financial sector is interesting to me.
What would your advice be to a student applying to HZ?
"Arrange your housing situation as quickly as possible. The Netherlands is facing a housing crisis and thus, you might have issues finding accommodation. However, HZ provides assistance and has connections with several providers of accommodations."
Read more about International Business at HZ