'My heart lies in creating equal opportunities for all pupils and students in education'
Rosalina completed her teacher training at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Rotterdam. She then obtained her master's degree in Special and Inclusive in Education in London, where she conducted research into the continuous line from primary to secondary education in the Netherlands. This is also one of the themes that Rosalina focuses on in the research group.
After her studies, Rosalina taught for more than twelve years in secondary special education cluster 4. After this, she worked at the Center for Forming Education and focused on Catholic education within the diocese of Breda as a project employee. Rosalina also contributed to the primary school method Houvast op school. Since 2021, she has been working as a teacher of philosophy of life and age specialization for older children for teacher training at HZ University of Applied Sciences.
As a teacher-researcher Rosalina believes it is important to use her expertise and practical experience to achieve equal opportunities for everyone. She focuses, among other things, on student development and social-emotional safety to create an optimal learning environment. She works carefully with the educational practice, so that educational professionals and students can benefit from the results as directly as possible. Rosalina is currently involved in various studies as a teacher-researcher. For example, she is project leader of the Po-vo Educational Research Workshop, which conducts research into creating rich opportunities in the transition from primary school to secondary education. In addition, together with Marieta Rosendaal, she investigates the added value of pedagogues in the classroom, in which pedagogues are introduced into primary school teams to meet the development needs of all students through interdisciplinary collaboration.

Added value of pedagogues in the classroom
The primary task of professionals working with young people is perhaps to provide good guidance…