As a lecturer, he is involved in the Civil Engineering course, especially in the constructive learning line. He has developed some of the teaching material. Albert teaches the structural courses applied mechanics, steel structures, reinforced concrete structures and Advanced Construction Engineering. The latter course covers asset management. In addition, he is a member of the partial examination committee of the engineering courses.
Albert completed the HTS Civil Engineering in Vlissingen and the CT course at TU Delft. He has twenty years of experience as a structural engineer and project leader at various engineering firms in both civil engineering and non-residential construction.
As a researcher, he joined the Asset Management Research Group in early 2020. His work consists of research and consultancy work in the field of asset management, for clients such as Scheldestromen Water Board, North Sea Port and municipalities in the region. He also ensures the implementation and feedback of asset management knowledge in education, including through the asset management course for fourth graders, which he co-developed.