Sterre Hoenderop is one of 24 people who received a teacher promotion grant from the NWO.
She works as a lecturer in the Pedagogy programme and as a researcher for the Excellence and Innovation in Education research group. The award of all the scholarships involves 4.9 million euros. The scholarships give lecturers the chance to develop further.
Youth support
Sterre's research is called 'Strengthening the resilience of starting youth professionals through meaning in work: an educational intervention'. She investigates how meaning in work affects the resilience of students and starting professionals in youth care and how to strengthen this through an educational intervention.
Her first substudy is a so-called scoping review on the relationship between resilience and meaning in work in youth care. Her second substudy is about how students and professionals in youth care experience resilience and meaning in their work. In the third substudy, Sterre conducts a participatory, design-oriented research to develop an educational intervention based on the first two substudies. In the fourth and final substudy, she studies the effect of this educational intervention.