The Supply Chain Innovation research group has developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on autonomous transport, transportation and logistics. The research group created it as part of the 5G Blueprint project.
In this project, the partners are investigating how teleoperation (operating a machine remotely) can make transportation and logistics more efficient, including across borders. The technique can also contribute to alleviating driver shortages. The researchers are developing and testing techniques and looking at how to make cross-border autonomous transport, including governance, possible.
Course content
The MOOC developed by HZ University of Applied Sciences is one of the objectives in the multi-year European project. The MOOC is freely available for students, teachers, researchers, people working in the logistics sector and interested parties who want to deepen their knowledge about autonomous transport.
The course covers the main developments, technological aspects and all the peculiarities and applications of autonomous transport. It consists of online lessons from experts, assignments and background information.
Here you’ll find more information.