After a doctor's visit or a hospital stay, a (long) journey often follows to regain fitness. Once you're home and done with the doctor or physiotherapist, it’s important to keep moving. How can this movement journey - from therapeutic exercise in healthcare to independent exercise at home - be made as smooth as possible?

The Healthy Region research group at HZ University of Applied Sciences is participating in the project 'Beweegreiskompas-study', which seeks to answer that question. The project, involving three universities and four universities of applied sciences, has received a 1.8 million euro grant from ZonMw. It is a large-scale, three-year national study into the organization, safeguarding, and financing of the movement journey.


Sports and physical activity are still underutilized in healthcare. There is a gap between these two worlds. The initiatives aimed at encouraging patients to move more often don't align well with one another and are temporary in nature. Funding is usually project-based, meaning many (ex-)patients experience a disrupted movement journey, preventing them from reaping the full benefits of sports and physical activity.

Researchers, including lector Olaf Timmermans and Anton Engels from HZ's Healthy Region, aim to gain knowledge and insight into what a good movement journey looks like. The research is divided into four regions, where researchers collaborate with municipalities, organizations, associations, and educational institutions. "Each region has its specific characteristics. In Zeeland, for example, the distance to a sports club or the availability of activities can be obstacles for people to exercise. That's different from the Randstad. We need to carefully consider these differences," says Engels. Healthy Region is collaborating in Zeeland with Reuma Nederland, FITRcompany, Sport Zeeland, the Zeeland Physiotherapy Cooperative, and the Zeeland Healthcare Coalition.


The regional studies are combined with national, overarching research. Among other things, a toolbox (Movement Journey Compass) will be developed, which can be used in other regions for a smoother movement journey. The project is led by UMC Groningen. In addition to HZ, Beweeghuis, Amsterdam UMC, Maastricht University, Inholland University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, and Hanze University of Applied Sciences are also involved. They are working together with national and regional organizations.