HZ is one of the partners in the feasibility study 'Festivals as a Validation Lab for Food Innovations'.

Together with FoodDelta Zeeland, Stichting Innofest, Sophyn Greens, OostaMo, and Brewery Vermeersen, HZ will explore ways to extend the lifespan of food innovations. Currently, 90 percent of food transitions fail within five years, mainly due to a lack of proper validation. This project aims to change that.

Testing in practice

FoodDelta Zeeland and its partners will utilize the Innofest validation method, which gives innovators the opportunity to test solutions in real-world settings. This will take place during festivals and living labs, with the first tests happening at Concert at Sea. HZ will analyze the results and provide recommendations for improving the validation method.

The province has allocated 50,000 euro for this project, funded through the 'Zeeland in Stroomversnelling' program.