The project 'Animals in the dike' of the Asset Management research group of HZ University of Applied Sciences is one of eighteen projects that have been honored in the RAAK Public program of Regieorgaan SIA.
The project increases scientific knowledge about the extent of the problem and provides solutions for managers. The goal is for them to stop reacting reactively and become proactive. Regieorgaan SIA is making a contribution of 300,000 euros. A similar amount is coming from the network.
Besides the HZ, BZ Ingenieurs en Managers, Zoogdiervereniging, TU Delft, GeoHydroData, Deltares, STOWA, Rijkswaterstaat, De Vlaamse Waterweg, Waterschap Scheldestromen, Waterschap Limburg, Waterschap Brabantse Delta, Waterschap Aa en Maas, Waterschap Rivierenland and Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta are part of the network.