Minor: International Practice

Researching English as a second language at a school in Suriname, giving surfing lessons at a surf school in South Africa or cooking with children at (OOSH) care in New Zealand. In the International Practice minor, you will do an internship and research abroad. You will get to know another culture and gain international experience.

To find an internship, you can contact HZ International Office. Before you go abroad, you follow a preparation programme. All kinds of subjects are dealt with, such as intercultural communication and the phenomenon of culture shock. Attention is also paid to dealing with homesickness. You share with your fellow students what you already know about the country you are going to. You are taught how to set up a research project. You will need this knowledge, because in addition to doing an internship, you will conduct research and develop a product. Such a product could be, for example, a teaching kit or a protocol. When you are abroad, you will send a report of your work every week. Back in the Netherlands, you will ask a fellow student to give feedback on your research report. You conclude the minor with a presentation to your fellow students and lecturers about what you have done and learnt.

Structure of the minor International Practice

Lecturers from different courses give the preparation lessons. During your stay abroad, you will have regular online contact with the lecturer who supervises you. You will discuss how you are doing and you can discuss your research and ask questions.

With the minor in International Practice, you will contribute to these Sustainable Development Goals, for example, depending on your internship and research:

  • SDG 3: Improve health and well-being through your research in a healthcare organisation.
  • SDG 4: Contribute to quality education through your research in an educational organisation.
  • SDG 10: Reduce inequality through research focused on inclusion and equal opportunities.

With this minor, you will learn the following:

  • You have an open, curious and unbiased attitude towards people from other cultures.
  • You can deal with a variety of situations and different lifestyles and cultural practices.
  • You examine your own outlook and motivation and question taken-for-granted assumptions.
  • You actively approach people who are unknown to you to make connections with.
  • You tailor your communication to the other person's culture.
  • You can collaborate in a multidisciplinary team.
  • You can see how the local situation is influenced by the wider, international context.
  • You can formulate your stance on topics such as migration, sustainability and human rights.

The minor looks as follows:

  • For a duration of four weeks, you spend one day a week at HZ. In the morning you attend workshops and classes, in the afternoon you do self-study or you study with your fellow students.
  • Followed by at least 12 weeks of research and internship abroad.
  • Final presentation at HZ.

The following books are required for this minor:

  • Baarda, B., Bakker, E., Julsing, M., Fischer, T., Peters. V., & Van der Velden, T. (2013). Basisboek Kwalitatief Onderzoek: Handleiding voor het opzetten en uitvoeren van kwalitatief onderzoek (3rd ed.). Noordhoff Publishers B.V.
  • Cox, K., et al (ed), (2012). Evidence-based practice for nurses. Methodology and implementation. Publisher Lemma
  • Loeffen, T., Tigchelaar, H. (2013). Returning Insight, creative with diversity for social professionals. Publisher Coutinho
  • Verhoeven, N. (2014). What is research? Practice book for methods and techniques (5e edition). Boom Lemma Publishers

The following tests apply to this minor:

  • Orientation report (10%). You make a report about the country you are going to. You show that you have knowledge of the country's history and the sector in which you are going to do an internship.
  • Practical assignments (20%). You describe your internship organisation, the network they work with, the methodologies they use and how they differ from the situation in the Netherlands.
  • Final product (40%). You will produce a research report and deliver a product for your internship organisation.
  • Reflection report with final presentation (30%). You will make a report of your experiences and present this to fellow students and teachers.

Practical information

This minor is open to Primary Education Teacher, Nursing, Social Work, Child Development and Sports Science students from all universities of applied sciences.

You must have a first year certificate and also completed year 2 in full. As an Elementary Education Teacher student, you must have completed all internships.

In consultation, it is possible to take this minor part-time. However, a full-time study load does apply.

The minor is taught in Dutch, unless many English-speaking students enroll. In that case, the minor will be taught in English.

The minor runs from 3 February 2025 to 4 July 2025.

Apply from 15 September 2024 to 1 December 2024.

Are you an HZ student? Then you can apply on this page. Do you study at a different university of applied sciences? Then you can apply via Kies op Maat.

Leontine van den Hooven

Lecturer minor International Practice

Questions about this minor?

Do you have any questions? Or would you like to discuss whether this minor suits you? Feel free to contact Leontine van den Hooven, lecturer minor International Practice.

Mail Leontine

Register for this minor

HZ student

Are you studying at HZ and would you like to register for this minor? You can do so by registering for both the minor and for the tests.

Student from another Dutch university of applied sciences or student from our international partner universities

Are you studying at another Dutch university of applied sciences and would you like to take this minor at HZ? Then register via Kies op Maat.

If you have been selected by your home university to study one or two semesters at the HZ, you may start your application by registering through our online application procedure.

A minor showing their course during the minor day

Discover your future minor on 6 February 2025!

Want to know more about taking a minor? Come to the minor market on Thursday 6 February and find out which minors you can take at HZ. Attend one of the information sessions for all the information you need.

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Frequently asked questions

What do I need to know about minors?

You've probably heard of a minor. But what does a minor entail? What are the requirements to take a minor? And what about credits?

Minor Innovative Entrepeneurship

Following a HZ minor as HZ student?

Do you study at HZ and do you want to take a minor at HZ? Then there are points you should take into account. For example, what about a limited number of places?

How do I take an external minor?

Are you an HZ student taking a minor at another university of applied sciences or abroad? Then you need to arrange a number of things. For example, what does a motivation letter contain?

Taking a HZ minor as an external student?

Are you studying at another university of applied sciences? Great that you want to take an HZ minor as an external student! What about registering and processing the results?