We, Lotte, Yana, Bert and Jorien, want to make the world a better place in 2030 and that is why we have joined forces. We connect 3 HZ-wide projects, namely interprofessional collaboration, SDG Accelerator and Internationalization. And will jointly organize various events around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


We live in a special time, a time when meeting each other is no longer self-evident. How do we find each other? How do we join forces? How do we exchange knowledge? How do we inspire each other? Questions that occupy us and you probably too. We want to meet, inspire, fascinate and connect each other to get started with these questions.

What are we going to organize with you?

  • SDG Purpose colleges
  • SDG lunch talks
  • SDG coffee momentS
  • SDG Challenges

With the aim of meeting, inspiring, raising awareness, sharing knowledge, connecting and collaborating interprofessional

Each event arises from a (current) social issue linked to one or more SDGs.

Knowing more?

On our Learn page you will find more information about the background, the agenda with upcoming events and you can stay informed about new events.

And these events are coming:

  • SDG Purpose college "2doc Lost boys" on poverty, justice and fair work.
  • SDG Purpose college "Intro SDGs", what are the SDGs and how can I contribute?
  • SDG Purpose college "The Social Dilemma", what is the influence of social media on us, how do you deal with this?
  • SDG Lunchtalk "Flee from Syria and then ..." Bierhat takes us on his flight story and shares his integration successes.
  • SDG Coffee Moment "Pink 50+, (LGBTI elderly)" about the ignorance surrounding sexual and gender diversity in the elderly.

Are you in?

We would like to design the events with you. Do you have an idea, do you know a great topic, do you know a good guest speaker? Let us know via the Learn page.

Tot snel!

Lotte Hendrikx, Bert Schollema, Yana Hadzhigeorgieva en Jorien Mesu-Minderhoud