Stichting Doe Mee, Verlos de Zee! will receive a Zeeuws Compliment this week for their hard work to clean and keep beaches clean. Jan Flechner, coordinator of HZ Green Office, is on the board of this foundation and organises umbrella beach clean-ups. On Friday afternoon at 3pm, they will be received at Abbey Square by deputy Dick van der Velde.

Doe Mee, Verlos de Zee!
Foundation was set up to inspire, enthuse and mobilise people to clean up the coast together. To achieve this, they want - in cooperation with local coastal management bodies (including Natuurmonumenten and municipalities) - to place beautiful (wooden) Jute bins at beach entrances that invite people to go beachcombing! In this way, they want to make it more accessible for passers-by to go jutting too. Find more information on their website.

Clean-up sessions are organised every week by Jan from HZ Green Office, partly in collaboration with Doe Mee, Verlos de Zee! These clean-ups mainly take place at beaches, canal, forests and harbours. Students can participate in these for HZ Personality points, but other volunteers are also welcome. More information about the clean-ups can be found on HZ Green Office's website and Instagram.