The Polder2Cs project has been nominated for 'Het Zonnetje 2021', a prestigious prize awarded by the Delta Programme for projects on issues surrounding freshwater, spatial adaptation and water safety.

The winner will be announced during the National Delta Conference on 11 November. HZ University of Applied Sciences is one of the fourteen partners in the Interreg 2 seas project Polder 2Cs. In the project, researchers and students test the strength of the dike in the Hedwige-Prosperpolder, among other things.

Flood tests
They are doing this through flood tests, which are possible because the much-discussed polder will be transformed into a new nature reserve next year. With the tests, the researchers want to see what damage occurs to dikes. The research is also about crisis management and transferring knowledge to the next generation of water professionals. "Last summer's high water indicated the vulnerability of water management. That is why what we do here is important for everyone in the Netherlands", says Ludolph Wentholt of Stowa, lead partner of the Polder 2Cs project.
The two other nominees for 'Het Zonnetje' are Cromvlietpark in The Hague and Landgoed Lankheet.
You can vote until 8 November via this website. Read more about Polder 2Cs via

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