Joost Stronkhorst said goodbye to HZ University of Applied Sciences on Wednesday. He will retire on Friday.

Joost has worked at HZ for seven years. "As leading lecturer, he managed to keep the research groups and the project portfolio afloat in a very difficult period due to the loss of government funding," the current leading lecturer Robert Trouwborst looked back during a farewell lunch in Jells Lunchcafé and Garden Terrace.

After this difficult period, Joost became a lecturer in the Building with Nature research group. Based on his vision, Joost worked on making delta systems more robust by making use of natural processes, among other things. The idea of making delta systems more resilient to the consequences of climate change is still an important, multidisciplinary task of the Applied Research Centre Technology, Water & Environment (ARC TWE).


Joost has never focused solely on the development of a technical solution, but has always looked for the strength of a consortium of multiple parties, sometimes with opposing interests, that comes up with interdisciplinary solutions. "Solutions that were supported by a large group."

Joost himself looked back with satisfaction on his career in which he also worked for Rijkswaterstaat and Deltares. "There are concerns if you look at the strange substances that have ended up in nature, but we have also managed to get a lot of nature back. Certainly in Zeeland. There is certainly hope for Zeeland."