A number of universities of applied sciences have joined forces to put the field of civil engineering better on the map.
It is badly needed, because it urgently needs more civil engineers. The ground, road and hydraulic engineering, as the sector is popularly known, must future-proof the infrastructure and keep the Netherlands safe, livable and accessible in the coming decades. The shortage of specialists is becoming increasingly acute. That is why the colleges, including HZ University of Applied Sciences, are launching the Civil Heroes campaign. They are working together to put the field on the map nationwide. The focus of the campaign is on pupils in secondary education and students in intermediate vocational schools.
Often no idea
Young people often have no idea what civil engineering is. The number of enrolments in hbo is therefore declining. The 'Civiele Helden' campaign highlights the breadth of the profession and a future in this field. As part of the campaign, colleges are providing information in secondary schools with teaching materials and the video 'Civiele Helden'. In it, three young people are introduced to the world of civil engineering.
The website www.studeercivieletechniek.nl provides students and teachers with information about the field and study information.
Besides HZ, Avans Hogeschool, de Haagse Hogeschool, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool Inholland, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Hogeschool Saxion, Hogeschool Windesheim and NHL Stenden Hogeschool are involved in the campaign.
The campaign was made possible in part by BouwendNederland. Other stakeholders are also involved, including Civilion, KIVI, NL Ingenieurs and the Association of Hydraulic Engineers.