If you are considering whether you should study at HZ or not, you are probably wondering how it looks like. Well, in this blog I will describe how it does.

The main building
The HZ has a fantastic atrium in its main building. It is the heart of the HZ. With its modern, colourful furniture and bright and cosy atmosphere, it is a great place to hang out, meet up with friends or have meetings with one of your project teams. Besides that, its open character and good atmosphere reflect some of the core values of the HZ. I like to think of the HZ as an open environment where you should feel so relaxed and at home that you will obtain great academic results.

Eight of our bachelor degree programmes are taught in English. Some 500 students come from outside the Netherlands, so we have a wonderful mix of Dutch and international students. The international students come from all over the world: Europe, Africa, Asia and the American continent.

Our university of applied sciences does not just look great; it also has great facilities. Fast internet (of course), bright and airy classrooms, good computer facilities and the latest in lab and technical equipment. Everything to support you in your classes and help you excel at your studies.

Small and informal classes
HZ has around 4,900 students divided over four study years and 23 bachelor degree programmes. Everyone can do the maths: with such numbers, classes are going to be small. We like to be the kind of university of applied sciences where you can easily approach your lecturer and have a discussion during or after your class. HZ students are on equal footing with their lecturers. This means that you will be interacting with them a lot. They will know you by name and if you encounter any challenges or have questions, you can easily approach them to ask them for help.

Safety in small numbers
One of the things that strikes many international students, is how relaxed you can be about your possessions at HZ. There is safety in small numbers. Since the HZ is relatively small, it is the kind of place where you can hang your coat in the atrium and leave it there for the day.

Relaxed atmosphere
This general sense of safety is just one of those things that contribute to the relaxed vibe you experience here. We want to make sure that you feel at home, happy and relaxed. Those are the ideal circumstances to excel at your studies. That is also one of the reasons the HZ makes sure that there are lots of extracurricular activities and fun student associations for you to enjoy.

High standards in education
We are experts in sectors like Water and Land, Tourism and Business, and Industry and Logistics. Our international degree programmes are fully in line with these spearheads. Every year since 2011, the Guide to Higher Dutch Education has ranked HZ in the top 3 of multidisciplinary Dutch universities of applied sciences (more info on HZ’s rankings). The quality and accessibility of our lecturers and the small student groups are among HZ’s assets. But the classrooms, workspaces and computer facilities were also rated as excellent.

I hope my blogs gives you a better understanding of HZ University Of Applied Sciences. Would you like to see it for your self? You can stop by anytime you like! Just ask me :).

Last modified on: 10-07-2024