Many of you might be looking for a suitable bachelor programme. And, one day you may also hope to have a Master’s Degree. So, wouldn’t it be nice to know where and what your options are after studying Water Management at the HZ? I am in the process of figuring this out now and will take you with me on the journey!

10845777_10153107898783031_2158454065717544011_o.jpgDelta Management graduation in 2015

I graduated from Water Management in the summer of 2015. In fact, back then it was called Delta Management and I was among the very first students who studied Delta Management in the Netherlands. Essentially, the Delta Management track is now a specialisation within Water Management at the Delta Academy. With the first year of combined Water Management study you will earn more credits in natural sciences, which will provide more options for Master’s programmes. Delta Management itself focuses on spatial development projects in delta areas. The aim of these kind of projects is always to deliver an integrated solution. This usually means the following:

  • Ensure safety from natural disaster (adapt to climate change)
  • Improve local economy
  • Preserve and enhance ecology

Check out the yearbook of my class and learn more about Delta Management:

For me, Delta Management provided a broad overview of disciplines related to environmental management and spatial planning. I always knew I wanted to do a Master and I feel that with my Delta Management Degree I have a lot of different options.

Currently, I’ve chosen to apply for Masters that are in the fields of Disaster Risk Management, Urban Planning and Environmental Policy. From now on, I have about two months to finish my applications - the deadline in most cases is in mid-January (for Dutch universities, the deadline is usually later) I’m leaning more towards Sweden and Erasmus Masters (each semester in different country).

Here’s my current top three choices:

  1. 4Cities Euromaster in Urban Studies - each semester in different city, including Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen and Madrid. Awesome indeed, but only if I receive a scholarship.
  2. Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation - Lund University, Sweden
  3. Environment and Social Studies - Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands

In my next posts I will talk more about the programmes in depth and how they relate to Water Management at the HZ. I’ve already visited Lund!

Meanwhile, read about the Master choices of my groupmates Marvin and Gerben and I’ll make sure to post a full overview of my fellow alumni soon!

Last modified on: 10-07-2024