If there is one thing that will make coming to the HZ worth your while, it is the opportunity to make new friends. When you come to the HZ, you will go on a great adventure of discovery. You will leave behind all that is familiar to discover new and exciting things. And we are not just talking about school and studies here, but about the whole package: you will learn what it is like to live on your own in a foreign country. And as a bonus you will get to know a whole range of different people from totally different backgrounds.

Making new friends is easy
You have already made a huge step by deciding to study abroad. The next step: meeting new people is quite easy. All international students, like yourself, are in the same boat. They have left behind the life they knew and don’t know anybody at the HZ either. And that is the perfect recipe for making new friends. The first people you will get to know are your housemates and then there are your classmates. So, it is really easy to meet people you like. Living and learning together will mean that you will get to know each other in no time. It is often said that the friendships you make at university will last a lifetime. If that is so, you had better make those friendships interesting.

Invaluable life experience
The great thing is that by connecting with all these students from different backgrounds and cultures you will not just have lots of fun, you will also have invaluable life experience that will help you later on in your career. Without you even realising it, you will become more flexible towards others and easier to connect to. In short: you will have the most valuable skill set for working in an international environment.

Student Associations and extracurricular activities
Once you have made your first friends… you will get even more opportunities to make friends. The HZ has many extracurricular activities and student associations. You can take up sports together, join a study group, or dance and have a great time at one of the parties of We Love College. Become a member of HZ Cult: they organise more than 60 cultural events each year, such as movie nights, theatre performances, concerts and even city trips.

So, as you can see, you have many possibilities to make new friends while you study at HZ :) If you would like to meet students before you come, give me a heads-up and I make sure will get in contact with one of our students.

Last modified on: 10-07-2024