When you are certain that you will come to HZ, it is then time to get ready. Some preparation can be done at home, while some things will need to done upon your arrival in the Netherlands. The good news is that on day one of your introduction week, many of these tasks can be dealt with in one go. We want you to be able to focus on the fun and the educational part of your stay in the Netherlands as soon as possible.

Make sure you bring everything you need
Entering a new educational institute in another country means that there will be some administrative requirements. Make sure you bring your passport, birthday certificate (for non-EU students and EU students who stay longer then one year only) diploma and a list of your marks, as well as a an official English-language certificate.

If you are a non-EU citizen, you may need a visa. The HZ student office will arrange this for you in advance. Find more information on visas and which countries have exemptions, on our website.

When you live in the Netherlands, you need to have medical insurance. Especially when you find a job or a paid internship. Check our website first and you’ll know what to arrange for before arrival in the Netherlands.

Bank account
If you are not from a country within the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) you will need a local bank account. You can apply for an ING Student Account. Students from SEPA countries can use their current bank account, but if you are staying at HZ longer than one year you may also apply for an ING Student Account. Find more info on bank accounts or open one via this section of our site.

More information
You can find relevant travel and student information on various websites. Be sure to check studyinholland.nl/practical-matters/visas-and-permits, hz.nl/en and epnuffic.nl/en. Here, you will find all infromation you need to know about travel permits, insurance, required documents, etc.

Clothes for Dutch climate
The Netherlands has a moderate marine climate. You can expect winters that are not overly cold and summers that are not too hot. However, it may snow or freeze in winter and during a heat spell, it occasionally gets really hot. In a nutshell: you better come prepared for all kinds of weather. Bring your swimming gear as well as a warm hat.

Furniture and such
Most student accommodation is furnished and you will not need to bring furniture all the way to the Netherlands. If you find an unfurnished room that you have to decorate yourself, you can easily go bargain hunting in one of the town’s many second-hand shops to find all you need.

Introduction week
HZ organises a compulsory introduction week for all new international students. During this week, you will get to know your fellow students during fun activities.

More to that, you will get all the information you need to make a good start with your studies at HZ. You will need to register with the municipal council of Vlissingen upon arrival. To enable registration to go as smoothly as possible, representatives of the town hall will be at HZ to help you with this registration on the first day of the introduction week. Additionally, there will be representatives of our partnered housing company APV to help you with any housing questions you might have. To get an impression of how handy, but above all, fun, the introduction week is, check the movie here.

Last modified on: 10-07-2024