Picking a study abroad is a big decision, so it is a good idea to prepare. I like to help you on your way by giving you honest advice and information about what it is like to study at HZ. There are many opportunities for you to meet us. For instance, we organise open days and have representatives abroad. Additionally, you can contact our students for inside knowledge.

Meet us in your home country
You can contact our representatives abroad if you have any questions about the study programme, visa requirements, scholarships, etcetera. On our site, you can find a list of countries and contact information.

Education fairs are a great way to get information on many different universities. However, a fair can be a little overwhelming. If you would like your visit to have some focus, you can make appointments with ‘potentials’ in advance. If you would like to meet an HZ representative, please send an email to study@hz.nl.

Visit our open day
The best way to get to know the place where you want to study is to visit an open day. You can have a look around and sample the international atmosphere. Feel what it is actually like to hang out in our light and colourful atrium.

To get a feel of what student life will be like, you can meet our international students. They will answer all your questions on studying at the HZ and student life in Vlissingen. Teachers and staff members of the international department will also welcome you and answer all your questions. Free accommodation is available for your visit.

Visit us any time you like
The dates of the open days may not match your schedule. We find it important that you will get all possible opportunities to get the information you need. That is why we have an additional option for visiting HZ. You can make an appointment to visit us whenever you want. You can apply for a visit via this part of our site. When you come here, we make sure that you will meet many people (both teachers and students). You can ask them all you need to know about HZ.

Get inside information via a student ambassador
Our student ambassadors know all about HZ. If you would like inside information on what studying in Vlissingen is really like, you can contact them with all your questions on student life, the study programme, costs of living and anything else that comes to mind. You can meet them during an open day, but you can also contact them online.

Talk to friends, family and our study adviser
When making big decisions like where you will want to study, it helps to have someone to talk to. Be it family and friends or a professional like one of our study advisers. This will help focus your thoughts and give you an idea of the direction you want to take your education and your future career. Our study advisers can tell you all you need to know about our Bachelor's programmes, fees, deadlines, or study programmes. Feel free to contact them at any time.

Last modified on: 10-07-2024